Taking my time….
Hello all,
So firstly, I do apologise for the long wait since my last blog. For those dedicated fans, of which I believe there are…one, (that’s you Jenny!) I have been kept very busy at work with various shenanigans, and Barbados has been treating us to some pretty pants weather the last few weeks.
This has meant a lot of long quiet nights in the new flat, pawing over the D700 manual and driving Sian up the wall with my incessant nerdery. But it has paid off.
On page 203 of the D700’s manual, there is reference to interval timer shooting.
I wept.
For hours.
This is something that the beautiful old D80 never offered, and instantly a light bulb clicked in my head. What better to do with a rainy day than setup a tripod, have the camera take a million pictures, and then stitch them together to make a film?
This is not ground breaking. This is not original. But this was my first stab and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it. We were also really lucky, because as I dragged Sian out into the soggy night, we found this guy:
And every time I see him, I can’t help but chuckle. There are MILLIONS of frogs (toads?!) on the resort, all in various forms and sizes: from the TINIEST guys just from tadpole state, to the huge ones like this, they are awesome. We are also treated to numerous ‘squashed’ frogs along the roads of the resort…I know I shouldn’t laugh…it is very sad…but they are so comedically sprawled out on the floor and I cant help but think of the days I used to play ‘Frogger’ in the church rooms as a choir boy…but that’s another story all together.
Anyway, here is the vid. I made it at home as I have a strong “blog is for play” attitude, and don’t use the work resources for it. I wish I had. Windows Movie Maker sucks ass in comparison to the Mighty Mac’s Final Cut Pro. Seriously, I hate Mac…but Windows let me down real bad on this one…
But, as always, it is all just a bit of fun and I hope that you guys enjoy it…
Genius! Sadly the canon does not have anything like that… They were to busy developing face detection! Where were you on that one canon!! 😉
😀 It’s awesome Uncle Serg xxx
Complete genius Uncle Serg. I wish I had half the creativity you have!!! x
H Fergusi, great photography, you have a very keen eye for catching just the right colors.
I LOVE the bit with the clouds scudding across the sky – as well as all the other images like the flower opening 😉
And I am upset that you seem to be oblivious of my dedicated following of your blog 🙁
I love it, and all your different ideas, thoughts and ramblings 😉
Loving your work Ferg! Sounds like you make Sian a proud/bored wife. Amazing frog and movie.