A new site, a new blog, a new start!
As I promised last week, there are some very exciting changes happening with us lately. It is just 3 weeks until we come home for good, and in between the madness of May, we have been beavering away in the background to get the website together for a new venture back home.
It is a pretty scary thought, going self employed…but a challenge that I am most looking forward to, and one that I of course hope will be as successful as it is rewarding.
As such, I am migrating my little blog over to the new site as well – I think it looks a BILLION times better, and all of the posts are already there and waiting to be seen by the big wide world.
But the sting in the tail is that I lose all of my subscribers 🙁 I currently have over 720 of you wonderful people, but as I feared, when I jump ship from WP.com, they don’t let me bring you guys along for the ride. So, if you would all be so kind…check out the new site, and subscribe to the new and improved, hyper-steroid fuelled fergusford.com. And I promise, I shall reward you with love and kisses and photos that will make you feel gooey inside over the coming months 😉
https://www.fergusford.com/blog is where you want to go. As always, any comments, thoughts, criticisms and ideas are always welcome. It is a site very much in its infancy, and I will be adding LOADS of content over the coming months. I will resume sensible blogging timetables soon as well.
So once again, a massive thanks to all of you for your readership and support…and here’s to a very bright first year going it alone…I sincerely hope you come and enjoy the ride with me 😉
Hi Freg, congratulation and all d best for a new site. Surely this looks great. 🙂
Hi Mayer – thanks so much 🙂 Fingers crossed this will be an exciting and successful new adventure for us all! 🙂 Thanks for reading and the support buddy 🙂
I’m here, but how do I subscribe?
Thanks Carissa 🙂 Just hover over the blog button at the top, and there is a link to subscribe 🙂 x